Based in Chennai, IN →

Currently → Senior Developer, RookStudying → BE CSE @ RITCreating → Magic ✨
Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦
Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦ Full-Stack Developer ✦ Web3 Enthusiast ✦ Building In Public ✦

Hello World!

This is Pranshu Jha. I am an undergrad currently pursuing Bachelors in Engineering, majoring in Computer Science.

As a Full-Stack Developer, I bridge the gap between captivating front-end designs and robust back-end functionality, delivering exceptional user experiences with precision and finesse.

With a passion for cutting-edge technologies and a knack for problem-solving, I thrive on delivering elegant solutions that exceed expectations.

> Projects

DystopianNextJS, Canvas

Dystopian is a gamified learning platform that allows students to learn programming easily through bite-sized lessons built into the plot of the game. Students can also compete with each other in the leaderboard.

XDC HealthBlockchain

Built for PLI Blockathon '22, XDC Health is an Electronic Healthcare Management System built upon XDC Blockchain allowing healthcare recorrds to be stored on the blockchain.

OrewebNextJS, P2P

Oreweb is a P2P file sharing platform built on NextJS and PeerJS that allows users to share files with each other anonymously without any middleman.

More ProjectsGitHub

Check out more of my projects on GitHub.

I love creating unforgettable digital experiences and websites with people like you.

So, let's get in touch!
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